Sunday, September 18, 2016

The 7 Natural laws of Breastfeeding

Everyone knows that I'm pro-breastfeeding and anything that's natural for baby and mama. During my certification to become a postpartum doula, I've had several books that were required reading. One of the subjects, breastfeeding, was something that I've started to read up on.  One of the books that I'm reading highlighted seven natural laws of breastfeeding that I felt was extremely important for breastfeeding mamas and those pregnant individuals who may be considering breastfeeding.

7 Natural laws of Breastfeeding

1. Babies are hardwired to breastfeed

2. Mother's body is baby's natural habitat

3. Better feel and flow happen in the comfort zone

4. More breastfeeding at first means more milk later.

5. Every breastfeeding couple has it's own rhythm

6. More milk out equals more milk made

7. Children wean naturally

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

I just wanna be a doula!!!

I say this constantly to myself. I just wanna be a doula..I want to support women during an abortion or a miscarriage and after she gives birth.  Yes, I can be pro choice and still want to support women and families. It's a part of health care for women. Abortion and miscarriage has been so stigmatized that people don't realize that it's needed.  I will admit I've felt defeated at times when I've tried to volunteer and get my face out there so that I can gain experience but has been shut out. It just makes me want to push even more. I won't give up despite some of the adversity and set backs.  Once I'm finished with my postpartum certification I feel like I can successfully advertise more.

I was given the idea to support women over the phone during a medical abortion which is a great idea that I'm toying with.  I'd love to be able to support women across the country. Recently I've had the crazy idea of the traveling doula.  I really just want to help and support others.  I just want to be a doula...

If you're considering on having a medical abortion or knows someone who is please contact me.  I can be emailed at or by phone (216) 282-6972

Monday, August 8, 2016


Hi all! I've been really meaning to blog and give you all some updates but I've been busy with so much stuff both personal and professionally. I've started back to a regular 9 to 5 position with a nice company that combine my slight medical knowledge with customer service and sales. I've also, as you know, written a full spectrum handbook for doulas as well as starting an online store to showcase and sell my crafts.   I've been working on marketing the full spectrum side of my doula business and attempting to  work with my local woman's clinic and Planned Parenthood. I've been trying to normalize abortion and miscarriage and reduce the stigma associated with it.
Often times it doesn't feel like its enough and I don't know how I'll reach a large group of people. That's what I'm still struggling with.  Even volunteering to gain experience has been hard. It upsets me and makes me sad that I can't help people and provide care and support the way I know they need it.  So if anyone knows of any new ways to market my full spectrum business please contact me.

I plan on attending my postpartum doula training in October and once I'm certified and I can start accepting clients and helping women, children and families.

The good part is that I'm finding ways to educate others about what a doula does and how she can help before, after and during labor.

Friday, July 1, 2016

The Full Spectrum Handbook

Hello All, I'm so excited to be able to say that my handbook for full spectrum doulas is available for download!!  This has been a true labor of love and I'm proud to say it's done.  The decision to write a handbook for doulas who want to support people during abortion, miscarriage and stillbirth.  Below is a link directly to the website where it's available to be purchased for a low price.
The Full Spectrum Doula: A Handbook

Friday, June 10, 2016

Updates....and more updates

Hello everyone out there in the blogoshere! I know it's been over 2 months since I posted but I have truly been busy.  I'm in the process of finally writing a handbook for full spectrum doulas.  I've always wanted to  write something for full spectrum doulas and people who want to provide support for anyone experiencing abortion, miscarriage or stillbirth.  Currently I'm in the editing phase and depending on how long that takes the handbook could be available online as an ebook within two weeks.

I also ordered business cards specifically for my full spectrum business. It was exciting to finally have a physical card to pass out. The hardest part about being a full spectrum doula is marketing. How do I market and where do I market at are some of the questions that I've had to ask myself as well as my other doula sisters.  I decided to get really creative and leave them on the city buses and trains. I also left some at the Greyhound station and at coffee shops.  I've also written a letter of introduction to local clinics and medical providers who may have patients that might possibly need support during a miscarriage or pregnancy termination.

Honestly, it's been rough to maintain a positive attitude in regards to marketing the full spectrum side of my business. There are so many ways to market yourself as a birth or postpartum doula but relatively no ways to truly market the full spectrum business. I've just been taking to social media and remaining vocal about reproductive justice and rights.  Hopefully soon I can volunteer more at our local abortion clinic to get experience providing support.  The biggest marketing strategies are word of month and building healthy relationships with the community in general.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Don't lose the faith!!

I will be the first to admit that I've felt like giving up on my dreams to be a birth worker.  There's been financial difficulties and marketing difficulties. I've even had some self doubt whether I could make a living as a full spectrum/postpartum doula.  Switching careers after 10 plus years of one field to the next has been difficult. Some days I truly lose my faith then I see an article or hear about one of my doula sisters making changes within her community and I get a renewed sense of joy. My goals that I'm working towards become real and I realize that I can't quit or give up.

Some days I really wish that I could just travel around the country and support women and families. i want to just immerse myself in my work and devote my time to helping as many people as possible.  Birth work and supportive services are so necessary for women and families. I wish every women could have a doula during labor and afterward. I wish that insurance companies paid for these supportive services for the poor and low income women who would benefit from it the most.

Recently, I ordered my business cards to market the full spectrum aspect.  When they finally came I was so overjoyed and proud.  I proudly took a picture and posted on my social media pages. I realize it won't be an overnight thing and it will take time to get clients and to get people talking about abortion, miscarriage and stillbirth/fetal loss. It's a tough touchy subject for both. I sincerely hope I can create a positive conversation and reduce some stigma.

Here is a picture of my new business cards. What do you guys think? If you know anyone in Northeastern Ohio that needs my services, please contact me.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Full Spectrum Support?

Did you or someone you know need extra support during your abortion or miscarriage experience? Here is a survey that will give me an idea about how much support is needed during and after. My goal as a doula, primarily as a full spectrum doula is how I can support my clients.  I hope to find out what types of support is  really needed.  Your participation is greatly needed and appreciated.    Take Survey here.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Mothering the new mother gifts/Alternative Baby Shower Gifts

I absolutely LOVE going to baby showers and being around women and expectant mamas. It makes me happy to see the camaraderie and the love and support for the new baby or babies but what about Mama?  What does she get in all of this besides a healthy baby? We so often forget that the mother has needs as well.  So what better way to show your support and love than to give her a gift or gifts to show that you care about her as well as the new bundle of joy.  This is especially good if the baby has a ton of clothes, baby items and all the big "necessary" items already.  So to support mom and help her be able to take care of and support her new baby, let's give her a gift or two to show how much we love and appreciate her too.

So to show that continued support for the family here are a few gift ideas and alternative baby shower gifts:

  1. Relaxation tapes
  2. A selection of herbal teas
  3. Casseroles or other cooked meals
  4. Nursing gowns or nursing bras
  5. Natural body lotions
  6. Sleep bonuses( two hours of time from a friend who comes to watch the baby while you sleep)
  7. A blank mom's journal
  8. A gift certificate or a contribution towards a "doula fund" or a breastfeeding class for you.
  9. An hour or two of help with your house and laundry or shopping.
  10. A massage
These are all excellent ideas to help a friend or new mom. And of course there is always the idea of hiring a postpartum doula who will assist in the majority of these things as well. 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sharing my experience with the world

Recently I had the opportunity to share my abortion experiences with the world.  I shared my experience on The abortion diary podcast, with Dr. Melissa Madera. I don't remember exactly how I found out about the podcast but it was most likely doing a search online for something related to abortion or reproductive rights.
i shared my story to end the stigma and shame surrounding the procedure. And even though I haven't physically supported a woman during a procedure or after I have helped family and friends before but providing a listening ear and reassuring them that their choice is their choice. As a full spectrum doula I realize to be totally transparent sharing my story with people I may come in contact with is an important positive thing. So I post my story here today to end that stigma and silence that millions of woman may have.

Here's the link to my story and any of the other stories on The abortion diary podcast.

Sunday, February 14, 2016


"Lying -in" is the period of time when the mother and new baby are allowed to rest and bond with each other after birth.   In some South American countries it is called la quarentina, which is the forty day time period  when the mother is treated like a queen.
Generally, women were fed healthy bone broths, soups and stews to assist them  regain their strength and help with maintaining their milk supply if breastfeeding.  In the book,"Mothering the Mother" specifically explains several traditions from around the world regarding the lying-in period. Most notably from:

  • Uganda
  • Columbia
  • Jamaica
  • Korea
  • Lebanon
  • Myanmar
  • Guatemala
  • Greece
In today's modern society, women and families need postpartum doula care because the traditions of the lying -in after the postpartum period has changed over the last hundred years. Previously your mother, mother-in-law, aunts or female cousins assisted after childbirth,but now most women and families get no help or support after the third day postpartum. And that's where postpartum doulas step in!! We take over and let you have a lying in period whether it be a week or forty full days with your new baby.   If you want to learn more or schedule my postpartum doula services please contact me at

Monday, January 25, 2016


So if you're reading this that means you read or have read my blog and I'm really happy.  I had an idea of posting some blogs from doulas or other birth workers that I enjoy to read in my spare time. I've been mainly focused on reading blogs by other postpartum doulas or doulas that consider themselves full spectrum. I've compiled a listing of the blogs that I try to read on a regulat basis that might be of use to you or possibly a friend or family member.

These blogs are funny, heartwarming and educational but they have one thing in common and they are the realness of them. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Happy reading.

  1. A day at home with your postpartum doula
  2. Beautiful is your Postpartum Body
  3. I love tea!! Safe herbal teas for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
  4. Maternal Child Connections
  5. Radical Doula

Friday, January 8, 2016

Breast is BEST!!!

What is wrong with our society?? Why is breastfeeding a problem now, when breast is the best and the most natural thing that a woman's body produces? Why has our breast become so sexualized that people take offense to seeing a mother feeding her child? There has been so much negative information in the media regarding breast feeding in public, even if a woman covers herself and the baby up and goes off to a secluded area there will be a problem.  Recently Alyssa Milano was in the media speaking to t.v. talk show host Wendy Williams about breastfeeding in public. Wendy is against breastfeeding in public and Alyssa basically set the record straight.  Here is the link to the article. Let's celebrate a natural thing!!

I breastfed my oldest son for a year and there were so many benefits to it. Besides the bonding aspect,  breastfeeding helps your uterus shrink back to it's pre-pregnant state, it will often times stop ovulationso no period, breastmilk has all the essential vitamins and nutrients needed by baby and it's totally FREE! Yes the magic word... free!! It's not $20 or $30 for a can of artifical "milk" with a bunch of chemicals that we know  nothing about or how it will affect our children in the future. I've also read a few articles about studies that show children that were breastfed were in essence smarter than their non-breastfed counterparts. That information alone would make me want to chose to breastfed my child.

I often hear reasons why a mother chooses not to breastfeed her baby. The most common ones are:

  1. It hurts 
  2. I don't think the baby is getting any or enough milk
  3. It feels weird when the baby nurses
  4. I'm embarrassed about my breasts/nipples
  5. I simply don't know how to
All of these issues or causes can be remedied by a postpartum doula or a lactation consultant,  if you don't have a doula. She will guide you in the correct positioning and placement of the nipple in the baby's mouth. She will also educate you on how much milk your baby should be getting at his age and stage of development. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Welcome 2016

Happy New Year everyone! It's 2016 and crunch time basically for me.  May is Doula Appreciation month and I will be busy finally accepting clients and hopefully doing a large amount of education within the community and inner city Cleveland.  Educating the community as well as giving back to the community is what Ujima Doula services was founded upon.

The certification process in my opoinion is more stringent than other organizations but DONA International is one of the largest and well known doula organizations online and very reputable among the birthing community. That makes me happy as well as proud to be able to have those credentials behind my name and when I introduce myself I can say that I was certified by one of the premiere organizations for birth workers that boasts thousands of birth and postpartum doulas on an international level.

So from now until March I'll continue on with the required reading, continue to network and learn all the business and marketing skills necessary, so once  May rolls around I'll be able to take clients and  have a few lined up.  The first week in March I will be traveling to New York for the three day intensive training. I'm beyone  excited about traveling and getting back into a classroom setting and even more excited to be more than seventy five percent finshed with my journey.

February 2016 I will unveil my business website and start the marketing process. I'm very lucky and blessed to have an online educational outlet so to speak because if I didn't I would be lost so a big shout out to all the postpartum doula and full spectrum doula groups that I belong to. Stay tuned folks!!