Friday, March 11, 2016

Mothering the new mother gifts/Alternative Baby Shower Gifts

I absolutely LOVE going to baby showers and being around women and expectant mamas. It makes me happy to see the camaraderie and the love and support for the new baby or babies but what about Mama?  What does she get in all of this besides a healthy baby? We so often forget that the mother has needs as well.  So what better way to show your support and love than to give her a gift or gifts to show that you care about her as well as the new bundle of joy.  This is especially good if the baby has a ton of clothes, baby items and all the big "necessary" items already.  So to support mom and help her be able to take care of and support her new baby, let's give her a gift or two to show how much we love and appreciate her too.

So to show that continued support for the family here are a few gift ideas and alternative baby shower gifts:

  1. Relaxation tapes
  2. A selection of herbal teas
  3. Casseroles or other cooked meals
  4. Nursing gowns or nursing bras
  5. Natural body lotions
  6. Sleep bonuses( two hours of time from a friend who comes to watch the baby while you sleep)
  7. A blank mom's journal
  8. A gift certificate or a contribution towards a "doula fund" or a breastfeeding class for you.
  9. An hour or two of help with your house and laundry or shopping.
  10. A massage
These are all excellent ideas to help a friend or new mom. And of course there is always the idea of hiring a postpartum doula who will assist in the majority of these things as well. 

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