Full spectrum doula work is a passion of mines. It arose from my pro-choice feminist views initially then my love of women and babies. Most people have NO clue what a doula is. I laugh when they ask me what it is or say is that like a midwife? I like educating people so I give them an explanation that is really easy to understand. I tell them that a doula is a non-medically trained person who provides support before and after labor. I also explain to them that there are two specific categories of doulas as well. Birth doulas provide support before and during labor and postpartum doulas provide support after the baby or babies are born.
Full spectrum doula work is a relatively new concept of what a doula should or could be. All women need support during whatever outcome a pregnancy has. Support during miscarriage, abortion and fetal loss are all very important things. Through my research and hearing other woman's stories the majority of them are alone during these trying times. Why shouldn't she have a person there who is knowledgeable who can provide that physical and emotional support? I came across this article about abortion doulasAbortion doulas
This article directly showed the importance of abortion doulas and their work.
Personally, I have been doing a bit of work to get more experience as a full spectrum doula. I've been doing patient escorting at a local abortion clinic for about a year and recently I've got the opportunity to volunteer within the clinic itself. The work is humbling as well as empowering. I'm not working in the capacity that I'd like as of right now as an abortion doula but just interacting with the women and their partners and friends during this time is important to me. It will give me the experience to eventually support women in whatever capacity they need me in.
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